Published On: July 12, 2023|3.7 min read|

The Key Components of Great Networking

By Terre Short

In the summer, I live in “the middle of nowhere, Idaho.” It is quite lovely and super quiet. Last night there was a fundraising event that brought everyone out. There was a lot of networking and connecting. It got me thinking about my many conversations with clients about the value of networking.

Networking is a valuable skill for everyone to refine. Regardless of whether you are looking for a job, have something to sell, or simply wish to know your neighbors, you will benefit from knowing how to network well. Last night was a casual setting, so not all of the key components will apply in every situation.

Professionally, networking can help you find a job, get promoted, and build a successful career. Even if you intend to stay in your role for the next decade, your life will be enriched by expanding your network. What does it take to be a great networker?

Here are the key components of great networking:

  1. Be prepared. Before you head to a networking event, take some time to research the people who will be there. What do they do? What are their interests? What can you learn from them? The more you know about the people you’re meeting, the easier it will be to start a conversation and build a relationship. Sometimes your networking is a call with one person, and you should certainly be prepared. If they are completely new to you, do your research to find a common thread or at minimum something you will ask them about.
  2. Be present. When you’re at a networking event, don’t just focus on collecting names and contact information. Take the time to really get to know the people you’re talking to. Ask them questions about themselves and their work. Listen attentively and show that you’re interested in what they have to say. See previous article on how Curious Questions Elevate Engagement for lists of powerful, probing questions.
  3. Be genuine. People can spot a fake from a mile away. If you’re only interested in networking for your own gain, it will show. Be genuine in your interactions and people will be more likely to want to help you and get to know you. Focus more on being interested than interesting.
  4. Be helpful. Networking is a two-way street. Don’t just expect people to help you. Be willing to help others as well. If you can offer someone a connection, a piece of advice, or a helping hand, do it. You never know when you might need a favor in return. Think of how you can be of service to the other person.
  5. Follow up. After a networking event, send a thank-you note/message to everyone you meet. This is a great way to stay top-of-mind and to solidify the relationships you’ve built. Speak specifically to something you recall about meeting them.
  6. Be a connector. Think of who you might introduce to the person you are newly meeting. Ask them if they have someone in mind whom you should meet or know someone else at the event they might introduce you to.

Following these tips will set you well on your way to becoming a great networker. Networking can open up a world of opportunities for you, so get out there and start connecting with people!

Here are some additional tips for networking effectively:

  • Attend industry events: This is a great way to meet people who work in your field and learn about new opportunities.
  • Join professional organizations: This enables you to meet people who share your interests.
  • Volunteer your time: This is a great way to give back to your community and meet new people.
  • Use social media: Social media can be a great way to connect with people and stay in touch with your network.

Networking takes time and effort, and it is worth it in the long run. By building strong relationships with people, you will create a network of support that will help you achieve your goals.

Think of it as casting a wide net to include people from diverse backgrounds with interesting skills and knowledge. How exciting to learn from others and share a bit of yourself. Connections make the world go around.


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