Micro-Learning Course – Leading Self


What does it take to lead yourself well? What does it feel like when you are?
In this micro-learning course, learn how to abandon neural pathways that no longer serve you and create new ones that do! Discover a new perspective on balancing competing demands proactively. You will receive a tool for reframing challenges in a manner that supports your growth and self-awareness.

We believe leading oneself includes:

  • Creating and nurturing an internal narrative that serves you well – that does not diminish or limit.
  • A healthy amount of self-awareness that informs potential blind spots and limiting beliefs.
  • Practices that bring you back to your center and enable you to maintain presence whenever needed.
  • The ability to prioritize well and focus, align and single-task.
  • Knowing and honoring your strengths while seeking growth opportunities that serve your evolution.

Sign up for a video lesson, reframing worksheets and sample prompts.